Patient Forms Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Worksheet Name* Date* 1) How am I feeling right now (list as many specific emotions as possible)?* 2) Which emotion is the strongest? Rate it on a scale of 1 (subtle feeling) to 10 (very strong feeling).* 3) What event triggered my feelings? Try to describe details.* 4) How did I interpret the event? What did I think about myself and others?* 5) How strongly (rate 1 to 10) do I believe my answer to #4?* 6) What evidence do I have that my answer to #4 is true?* 7) What evidence do I have that my answer to #4 is not true?* 8) What would someone else think if they were in my situation?* 9) What is my conclusion (reconsider event and describe any changes in feelings)?* 10) What can I learn from this?* reCAPTCHASubmitReset