Patient Forms New Patient Information First and Last Name* Date of Birth* Current Age* Partner Status* Race* GenderSelect valuemalefemaleother Preferred pronounsSelect valuehe/himshe/herthey/themother Current medications, doses, and when each is due to run out* Mailing address* City* State Zip* Cell Phone* Home Phone* Is it OK to leave a message?*Select valueYesNo Email address (preferred method of communication)* Emergency Contact Relationship* Emergency Contact Cell Phone* Emergency Contact Email Address* Emergency Contact Name* Pharmacy name, location, and phone number* Name of lab you use for bloodwork* Name of your medical doctor* Type of Doctor*Select valueInternal MedicineFamily Medicine Names of other medical specialists you see* Name of your therapist (if you have one)* Who referred you to WPH?*PLEASE ANSWER AND EXPLAIN IF NEEDED Active suicidal thoughtsYesNo If you have suicidal thoughts, please explain Active psychotic thoughtsYesNo If you have psychotic thoughts, please explain Active substance abuseYesNo Please explain substance abuse issues Active legal issuesYesNo Please explain legal issues reCAPTCHASubmitReset